Delivery & Returns

Return Policy
Our return policy is valid for 30 days and applies to products that are faulty or have been damaged during shipping. If it has been more than 30 days since you received your order, we regret that we are unable to provide a refund or replacement.

Refunds and Replacements
For a refund or replacement, you must contact us at within 30 days of receipt of your order with photographic evidence of the damage. Once we verify the damage through your photographs, we will endeavor to dispatch a substitute product when available. In cases where a replacement cannot be provided, we will reimburse you for the total cost of the product.

Missing or Taken Packages
VantageWatch accepts no liability for packages that are either missing or stolen once confirmed as delivered to the provided address. Should such a situation arise, VantageWatch will confirm the details of the delivery, including delivery date, tracking details, and carrier information for the customer to pursue further.
Faulty Goods
If the order you have received is faulty and you would like to send it back to us for a repair, fill in the table on the invoice slip with an explanation of the fault. Place your order back into its original packaging with the invoice slip inside. Go to Print off your returns label, attach it to your package and drop your return off at your nearest DPD Dropoff point.

Once we have received your return, it will take around 14 working days for us to repair your watch and send it back to you. However, at particular times during the year, our repairs team may be very busy. If after the 14 working days you have still not received your repaired watch, please contact to find out the status of your repair.
Unfortunately, we do not offer exchanges. In cases where you are returning a faulty watch to us and it is not feasible to repair this, we will offer you an exchange for a new watch that is the same model as the original. For more information on delivery and returns, please see our FAQ page.